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September 3, 2024

Training LLM on Sensitive Data: Risk of PII Leakage

7 mins

As machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) continue to evolve, Large Language Models (LLMs) like LLaMA , Mistral etc., have become increasingly capable of generating human-like text. However, these advancements bring significant risks, particularly when these models are trained on sensitive data. One of the most critical concerns is the potential leakage of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Understanding the Risk: How PII Leakage Occurs

When LLMs are trained on datasets containing sensitiveinformation—such as names, addresses, social security numbers, or otherPII—they can inadvertently memorize this information. Later, when the model isqueried, it might generate text that includes this memorized data, leading to asevere breach of privacy.

A study outlined in the paper "Synthetic TextGeneration with Differential Privacy" demonstrates how this riskmanifests. The authors injected "canaries"—artificially craftedsequences containing PII—into the training data. They then analyzed the model’soutputs to see if these sequences appeared in the generated text. The resultswere alarming: models trained without privacy protection often regurgitatedthese sensitive sequences, especially when the data was repeated multiple timesduring training.

Fig 1

Figure 1 from the paper provides a striking illustration ofthis issue. It shows the perplexity rank (the lower the better in case of PII memorization)of canary sequences among similar candidates in the generated text. Withoutdifferential privacy (DP), the canaries often ranked very high, indicating thatthe model could easily reproduce the sensitive information. In contrast, whendifferential privacy was applied, the model failed to rank the canaries highly,demonstrating that DP effectively mitigated the risk of PII leakage.

Why This Matters: Real-World Implications

The implications of such findings are profound, especiallyfor industries that handle sensitive data, such as healthcare, finance, andcustomer service. If an AI model trained on such data leaks PII, it could leadto significant legal repercussions, loss of customer trust, and financialpenalties, particularly under regulations like the GDPR or CCPA.


For instance, the healthcare industry, which deals with someof the most sensitive types of PII, has been particularly vulnerable to databreaches. These breaches not only compromise patient trust but also result insubstantial financial penalties. For example, a recent report highlights thefinancial impact of healthcare data breaches, with the average cost of a breachin 2024 reaching $9.77 million—still the highest across all industries.

Moreover, specific cases like the UnitedHealth Group'sbreach illustrate the severe consequences of inadequate data protection. Thebreach, which involved a subsidiary processing vast amounts of medicaltransactions, led to a $22 million ransomware attack, with total costs expectedto exceed initial estimates significantly​(healthcarefine). Such incidents underscore the critical need for robust privacy measureswhen handling sensitive data, especially when using advanced technologies likeLLMs.


Moreover, the risk isn’t limited to explicit data leaks. Themodel might also generate text that, when combined with other publiclyavailable information, could indirectly expose PII. This can happen when themodel is asked to generate content that is contextually similar to its trainingdata, inadvertently exposing sensitive patterns or relationships, i.e., copyrightinfringement (OpenAI vs New York Times).

Mitigating the Risk: Differential Privacy as a Solution

To mitigate the risks associated with PII leakage,researchers and organizations are increasingly adopting Differential Privacy(DP). DP provides a formal mechanism to limit the amount of information an LLMcan reveal about any single individual in its training set. By addingcontrolled noise to the training process, DP helps prevent the model frommemorizing and exposing sensitive data.


The aforementioned study on synthetic text generation withdifferential privacy shows that models trained with DP are significantly lesslikely to leak PII. This finding is crucial for industries like healthcare,where the stakes are incredibly high. By integrating DP into the trainingprocess, organizations can reduce the risk of PII leakage, thereby protectingpatient data and complying with stringent privacy regulations like HIPAA.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

As the use of LLMs becomes more widespread, the importanceof safeguarding privacy cannot be overstated. Training models on sensitive datawithout proper safeguards exposes organizations to significant financial,legal, and reputational consequences. By adopting techniques like DifferentialPrivacy, developers can mitigate these risks, ensuring that their models arenot only powerful but also safe and compliant with privacy regulations.

In a world where data privacy is increasingly paramount,integrating privacy-preserving techniques into AI workflows is not just atechnical necessity—it's a moral imperative.



Forbes. (2024, April 30). UnitedHealth's $16 billion tallygrossly understates cyberattack cost.

HealthTechSecurity.(2024). Average cost of a healthcare data breach sits at $9.77M.

Security Intelligence. (2023). Cost of a data breach 2023:Healthcare industry impacts.

AssuredPartners. (2023). HIPAA violation amounts adjusted for 2022.

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